Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Recent Purchases

Hello again! I know it's been far too long since I've posted. So I thought that I would share with you some recent purchases that I'm really loving right now. :) (I know that my chest of drawers isn't the best background, but it's the best I could do! I'm in the middle of finally organizing my room after moving in November...school kind of stole my life!).

 Nordstrom's Shirt, $49 
(perfect for tying over a skirt or wearing as a tunic with leggings!)

Nordstrom's Skirt (no longer available), featured in "Sunday at the Club"
Madewell Sweater, $69.50 
(expensive, but totally worth it...it's so soft!) 

Hope everyone's having a good week so far! :) Have you bought something recently that you're in love with? 
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