Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Internet Finds

Well, I've had one week of classes and I'm already exhausted! Who else has started school already? I definitely need some time relaxing in bed with my computer this weekend.

1. I love this "What New Book Should You Read this Fall?" that recommends a book that's coming out this fall based on your preferences. I've written mine down to buy when it's released!

2. The entire Broadway community rejoiced this week when Aaron Tveit (finally) joined Twitter and Instagram. Welcome to the internet, out for the crazy fangirls.

3. This 5 minute yoga-routine (shown through gifs!) is perfect for when you don't have much time. I might have to do this in between waking up and showering every morning.

4. This "15 Struggles of Being Single As Told by Disney Princesses" Buzzfeed article is just too real. #thatsinglelife

5. It's no secret that Laura Osnes is basically a real life princess. This Cinderella medley she performed at her recent Princess Party concert at 54 Below completely proves it.

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