Tuesday, January 5, 2021

My Goals for 2021

Now that I've provided an update on my 2020 goals, it's time to share my goals for this year. Instead of vague New Year's Resolutions, I like to set concrete goals that can be checked off throughout the year.

1. Watch 100 movies.

This is one of the handful of goals that I'm repeating from last year. For this number, I only count films that I haven't seen before though they can be new releases or older movies.

2. Get a tattoo. 

I wanted to get my first tattoo in 2020, but then Covid happened and I wasn't able to. I'm hoping that things improve enough that I can in 2021! 

3. See 50 shows.

Whether virtually or in person, I'd like to try to see fifty shows this year. It might be a challenge, but I especially want to push myself to watch more of BroadwayHD and National Theatre at Home's offerings. 

4. Work out at least twice a month. 

This is a goal that I set last year that worked for me. It's low enough to account for having weeks where I'm very busy or might not be feeling well, but still pushes me to get moving. And of course, the hope is that I'll do much more. 

5. Watch (and rank) every Saoirse Ronan movie.

A couple of years ago, I watched every Lily James movie in twelve months and last year, I wanted to do the same for Saoirse Ronan. I didn't end up getting around to it, so I thought it would be a fun 2021 project! 

6. Read 15 books. 

This past year, I only read nine books (though I'm halfway through three going into the new year). I definitely want to up my game this year and read more. To inspire me to read more, I've started a book-stagram account, that will also double as a place for me to post history content. 

7. Do a salonnières blog series.

This is another goal that's been hanging around for a few years, but I'm determined to do it this year. Plus, I can do an Instagram series to go along with it on my new account. 

8. Watch the BBC Pride and Prejudice.

I'm ashamed to say that I've never made it all the way through the BBC Pride and Prejudice series. It's something that's on my "30 Before 30" list of goals and I'd like to check it off this year. 

9. Make six YouTube videos. 

I want to get back into making YouTube content this year because I actually really miss it and I have lots of ideas for videos I can make. I don't want to put too much pressure on myself though, so I'm setting a low goal. But I also might be starting a joint YouTube channel with a friend...

10. Reach 700 followers on TikTok. 

This is a little bit of a silly goal, but it's to indicate that I want to continue to make and improve my content on TikTok. I currently have 470 followers, so 700 is ambitious but not unreasonable. 

What are your goals for 2021? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter. x


Saturday, January 2, 2021

An Update on My 2020 Goals

Now that 2020 has come to a close, it's time to reflect on my goals from this past year and give an update on how I did. I'm actually very proud of what I managed to accomplish in 2020 despite what a strange year it turned out to be. Some of my goals I had to adapt and some of them I utterly failed at. But hey...I can always blame it being a garbage fire year for that. 

One. Watch 100 movies.

I definitely accomplished this one! I watched a lot of movies that came out in 2020 and also caught up on a lot of movies that I hadn't seen before from previous years. I'll do a proper Top Ten list at some point (as well as my personal film awards), but my three favorite new movies this year were Summerland, Promising Young Woman, and Wolfwalkers

Two. Visit five new historic sites. 

This is one that I didn't get to do because of the pandemic. I had great plans to see new historic sites in North Carolina, New York City, England, and Ireland but...alas. I did get to see one new site (the Burgwin-Wright House in Wilmington, NC) and I virtually toured the Jane Austen House Museum in Chawton. 

Three. Read 12 books. 

I'm ashamed to say that I only read nine books this year, though I do have three books that I'm about halfway through right now. I reread one of my favorites (Little Women) and read some new ones I loved (Rebecca and The Ballad of Songbird and Snakes). I read a lot of articles and reviews and did a lot of writing even if I didn't make it through that many books. 

Four. Do a blog series based on my undergraduate thesis. 

Another year, another failed intention to do this blog series. But I'm determined to make it happen in 2021! I did succeed in making more history content for this blog this year. 

Five. Put money aside into my savings. 

I'm happy that I got started on this early in the year before the world fell apart. I was lucky enough to have a job throughout the year and was able to put money in my savings that made me feel more secure and means I can do some traveling once we're able to again. 

Six. See 30 shows. 

Obviously, I didn't see thirty shows in person because of...the pandemic. I saw six shows before things shut down (my last one was the Les Mis tour), but then I decided to change this goal into seeing twenty-four more filmed productions of plays or musicals or live readings. I saw so many great ones from seeing a filmed production of my beloved The Grinning Man to watching all twelve StarKid musicals for the first time. 

Seven. Work out at least twice a month. 

I'm counting this one as a success because I worked out twice a month for eleven months of the year (and more than that most months). In November, I ended up getting a small surgery that meant that I was pretty sedentary and only got in one workout. In 2020, I rediscovered dance and had the best time doing lots of Broadway 567 and YouTube videos from James Tolbert. 

Eight. Earn money from my writing. 

I managed to achieve this in March! I now write for two paid outlets, which I'm very proud of. I wrote a Twitter thread of my favorite articles that I wrote this year if you'd like to check them out. 

Nine. Cook three meals in my Instant Pot. 

I only cooked three different meals, but I did one of them several times. I made an excellent beef stew, a great Mexican chicken soup, and a very nice chicken & rice. 

Ten. Read War and Peace

Here's another goal that was a complete failure. I'll achieve it one day. 

Check back soon for my ten 2021 goals! 

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