Monday, August 31, 2015

Outlet Mall Haul

Last weekend, my friends and I went shopping at the outlets near our university. I bought things at J. Crew, Banana Republic, Off Fifth, American Eagle, and...Coach! I wanted to share what I got with all of you.


Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Internet Finds

Well, I've had one week of classes and I'm already exhausted! Who else has started school already? I definitely need some time relaxing in bed with my computer this weekend.

1. I love this "What New Book Should You Read this Fall?" that recommends a book that's coming out this fall based on your preferences. I've written mine down to buy when it's released!

2. The entire Broadway community rejoiced this week when Aaron Tveit (finally) joined Twitter and Instagram. Welcome to the internet, out for the crazy fangirls.

3. This 5 minute yoga-routine (shown through gifs!) is perfect for when you don't have much time. I might have to do this in between waking up and showering every morning.

4. This "15 Struggles of Being Single As Told by Disney Princesses" Buzzfeed article is just too real. #thatsinglelife

5. It's no secret that Laura Osnes is basically a real life princess. This Cinderella medley she performed at her recent Princess Party concert at 54 Below completely proves it.


Monday, August 24, 2015

I Let My Sister Do My Makeup

My little sister, Hannah, watches YouTube videos with me and some of her favorites are the "My Brother/Boyfriend Does My Makeup" challenges. She begged for me to let her do my makeup and I didn't think it could be that bad...Pro-tip: don't let a 12-year-old do your makeup.


Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Internet Finds: College Edition

I officially move in at university tomorrow! Who else is going back to school soon or has already started back? I decided to do a special Friday Internet Finds edition, all about back-to-school!

1. These tips can help you have a great first year of college or an even better second, third, or fourth year!

2. Ever wondered if you truly belong at an English university or an American college? This Buzzfeed quiz can sort the matter out for you. (No surprise here: I got an English university.)

3. This College Fashion article has some great suggestions for dorm decor.

4. I recently discovered "studyblr," a corner of Tumblr completely dedicated to study tips and pretty desk set-ups. This article from Glamour explains. Do any of you have studyblrs that you follow? Let me know in the comments!

5. My friend, Alyson, made a wonderful video about dorm essentials. If you're moving into your first dorm (or just trying to get it right the second or third year), make sure to watch it!


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Vidcon Haul

I finally got around to filming and editing my Vidcon haul! It includes all the free goodies I got at Vidcon, a few items I bought, and a few things I got in California not from Vidcon. Enjoy! xx


Monday, August 17, 2015

Old Navy Haul

Last week, I talked about rediscovering Hollister...this week, I'm talking about rediscovering Old Navy! I still thought of it as a store for basics, but its fall collection is absolutely gorgeous. When I went in, their sales were fantastic and I just couldn't resist. This video also guest stars my little sister, Hannah, because she loved their children's section.


Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Internet Finds

Happy Friday everyone! I move most of my stuff into my new apartment at university tomorrow (I'm not completely moving in until next weekend though)...where did the summer go? Stay tuned for a special "Back to School Friday Internet Finds" for next week.

1. I found this "Should You Go to an American College or British University?" quiz hilarious since I've attended both in the past year. (For the record, apparently I fit better at a British university.)

2. Alfie Deyes's sister, Poppy Deyes (who you might recognize from his daily vlogs), recently launched her own lifestyle blog. I love this tutorial for how to make a lavender face mask. #yesplease

3. Lin-Manuel Miranda has been in the news a lot lately for his new musical, Hamilton, but it looks like the plans for a movie adaption of In the Heights are finally moving forward (but with a lower budget).

4. PBS has put several of their Great Performances series online! You can watch everything from the Driving Miss Daisy, with James Earl Jones and Angela Lansbury, to Oklahoma with Hugh Jackman in his very early days.

5. I love both Carrie Hope Fletcher and Gary C so finding the third installment of the "Gary and Carrie Show" in my subscription box was so exciting! If you love Disney, you'll love this.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Rediscovering Hollister

Do you all remember shopping at Hollister during high school? The loud music, that very specific scent, the jeans and polos? I certainly do. I hadn't been in there in years and I went in yesterday while back-to-school shopping with my little sister and was very pleasantly surprised. The music is softer (though the scent is still there) and the clothes are much more varied and cuter! I couldn't help picking up a few items.

I absolutely love this flowy skirt. You can't tell in the picture, but the overlay is sheer. (My sister says it looks ghostly....I have no clue.) It's on sale for $20, but all sale things were 50% more off in the store so I got it for just $10. I've been looking for a long skirt like this for years so I couldn't be more excited!

I've also been looking for a white button-down for a while and this one is so lovely. It's made of soft t-shirt material, but still looks quite smart. And any button-down that doesn't gape is a fantastic find in my opinion.

I'm so in love with this playsuit (yes, I have a playsuit problem). It's quite loose and comfy (I actually went up a size because it was the only one they had left on the sale rack) and reminds me a bit of Katherine Hepburn. I can't wait to wear it.

I had to buy this dress because it reminded me of Cosette or Jane Bennet and it was on sale. It fits quite well and I love a good floral.

While I was at the mall, I also picked up some new makeup. I got a new navy crayon eyeliner from Sephora (I've gotten into a habit of only ever wearing black liquid liner so I need to change it up) and my first Mac lipstick. The shade is "So Chaud" and I'm absolutely in love.

It's impossible to keep me out of the Disney store...and I'm so glad I went in because I found this adorable Aristocats mug! The Aristocats was my favorite Disney film when I was a little girl. Did anyone else watch it?


Monday, August 10, 2015

Review: A Work in Progress by Connor Franta

I read Connor Franta's book on the plane ride back from California. I honestly haven't watched that many of his videos, but I did see his interview at Vidcon and he seemed like a lovely and creative guy so I decided to give it a try.

I enjoyed his book even more than I thought I was going to. Having seen him speak just a few days before, it was very easy to read it in 'his voice,' if that makes sense. It's a very chatty book, but I hesitate to call it a memoir. Simply put, it's Connor's reflections on life thus far.

My favorite thing about the book, other than Connor's incredible honesty, is his photography that's interspersed throughout it. Were he ever to decide to stop pursuing YouTube as a career, he could definitely be a full-time photographer!

It was a very fast read -- I read the entire thing on the plane ride; it probably took me two hours or less. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in a bit of light reading or, obviously, anyone who is a fan of Connor Franta. xx

Saturday, August 8, 2015

LA Trip Vlogs!

As I mentioned before, I recently went on a week long trip to Los Angeles, California to attend Vidcon and visit my family! I'd never been to California before, and while I would never want to live there, it's now one of my favorite places to visit.

We got to see my cousins, went on several studio tours, explored downtown LA a bit, and spent a day at Disneyland. Vidcon was incredibly amazing. I met lots of Pemberley Digital people, attended Maxwell Glick's meet-up, went to tons of panels, and even met Sprinkle of Glitter!

I vlogged every day of our trip, so without further ado....the LA Trip Vlogs!









Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday Internet Finds

Once again, I've been silent due to travel. I spent most of this week at the beach with my high school friends at our annual beach trip! What've you all been up to?

1. One of my favorite things in the world is musical theatres songs that make me cry. So this Buzzfeed list that compiled a ton of them? My new playlist.

2. Gillette UK is running a series of #UseYourAnd campaigns to encourage women not to allow themselves to be pigeonholed into one role. Louise Pentland (aka Sprinkle of Glitter) partnered with them and I entered while I was living in the UK....I won and my entry got featured on her blog!

3. I'm very impressed by this Buzzfeed quiz because it actually correctly guessed my favorite Disney princess. #howdoesitknow

4. How gorgeous is Alyssa Campanella? And I love the shirt dress she's wearing in her latest blog post. I totally need to find one.

5. Tyler Oakley's #Auguest is one of my favorite events of the year! (That's the sign of a real YouTube nerd, I guess.) And I always look forward to his and Zoe Sugg's Disney Challenge.

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