What I Did This Week: December 11-17

Well, here it is: my final week in London before going home for Christmas. Obviously, this series will momentarily stop while I'm home for a month, but it'll be back come mid-January when I return to London.

On Monday night, Corinne and I trekked up to the Almeida Theatre to see The Twilight Zone, a stage adaption of the popular TV series. You can watch my video review here, but we both really enjoyed it even if it was a bit...odd. (And I discovered that I associate The Twilight Zone so strongly with the Tower of Terror, that the music makes me feel a bit queasy.)

I finally made it to see The Ferryman, which has been winning many awards. The cast is changing before I get back and I really wanted to see Fra Fee in it while I could. It's a beautiful play that I definitely plan on returning to and I feel like I learned so much about the Irish troubles.

The last show that I saw this first term was the Barricade Boys at the Other Palace! Corinne and I had such a fun time at their Christmas concert, with special guest star Killian Donnelly. I highly recommend their show as they're all talented and charismatic lads. If we're being perfectly honest, however, I would have paid the ticket price just to hear Killian sing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."

I got to do an email interview with the mysterious and witty West End Producer about his latest book, which went up this week. You can read it here.

I got to accompany Jamie to two very exciting video shoots on Wednesday. First we interviewed the lovely and eloquent Anna O'Byrne who plays Laura Fairlie in The Woman in White. She had some lovely thoughts about the show as an adaption of the novel. (Also, we both prefer Wilkie Collins to Charles Dickens though she's also trying to get into Dickens as well.) You can watch that video here.

We also got to go to a press event for Christmasaurus Live, Tom Fletcher's special Christmas musical. It was so exciting to get to interview two of my favorite authors/YouTubers/actresses, Carrie Hope Fletcher and Giovanna Fletcher. The video isn't up yet, but keep an eye on my Twitter because I'll share it when it's released. 

On Thursday night, I went to see the much-anticipated The Last Jedi in 3D at the Barbican with Eryn and Riley (god bless the Young Barbican's £5 movie tickets). While I didn't love it as much as The Force Awakens, it is a really amazing film with beautiful performances from its cast, especially Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, and Mark Hamill.

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