What I Did This Week: November 20-26

This week was quite busy so I didn't get to do as much London exploring as I typically like. Plus, with only a few weeks left before I head home for Christmas I'm going to have to buckle down on my essays. However, I do have some very exciting things planned for the next few weeks!

On Monday night, I attended the first preview of The Woman in White, a slightly reworked version of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical based on the novel by Wilkie Collins. I've been looking forward to it for months as it has some of my favorite West End actors in it and it did not disappoint in the least. I filmed a video reviewing the novel and the show, which the Woman in White Twitter and Charing Cross Theatre Twitter were both kind enough to share. Definitely keep an eye out for my upcoming blog review of it as well!

Heritage Sites & Museums
I actually didn't attend any museums this week other than my normal shift at the Charles Dickens Museum and doing my orientation at the John Keats House. However, I did work the 'Sherry Cobbler & Strawberry Collins: An Evening of Forgotten Cocktails' event on Wednesday night at the Charles Dickens Museum which was so fun. It was all about the cocktails that Dickens loved, complete with a tasting by the London Gin Club, which was also my work station.

(My final verdict is that the Sherry Cobbler was nasty, but I wish the Strawberry Collins was still in fashion because it would be my drink of choice.)

For BroadwayWorld this week, I went to see my first panto (a blog post and YouTube video coming about that soon). I got to see Hackney Empire's Cinderella which was really great fun even if it was very different than anything I'd seen before. You can read my review here.

On Friday night, some friends and I went out to Enchanted Woodland at Syon Park. It's a super creative and inventive light show of sorts that I honestly can't even explain (and my photos certainly don't do it justice). It was really cool experience, even if it was freezing cold!

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