What to Wear on New Year's Eve

New Years Eve is a great excuse to dress your best! Therefore, I've put together three outfits based on three possible activities you might be doing: going to a party, hanging out on your couch, or hanging out at a friend's house. What are your plans for tonight?

Dress, Shoes, Crossbody, Ring, Bracelet
If you have a fancy party for New Years Eve, this outfit from Forever 21 would be perfect. Start with a beautiful maroon dress and black heels. Accessorize with art-deco inspired jewelry and a pretty cross-body that reminds me of Kate Spade's bags, but for a fraction of the price! In fact, this entire outfit is under $80...but no one at your party has to know!

Pajamas, Slippers, Hair clips
I typically spend my New Years Eve home on the couch: eating cookies, drinking tea, and watching the ball drop on TV. My mom bought my these macaroon-printed pajamas and they are super comfy. Put your hair up in a clip and slip your feet into these moccasins while you relax and write your New Years Resolutions. 

Shirt, Leggings, Socks, Boots, Headband
This outfit is perfect if you're going to hang out at your friend's house. This t-shirt and leggings will be comfortable for hanging out and this headband will keep your hair out of your face while you play endless rounds of Cards Against Humanity.

Which one of these activities will you be doing on New Years Eve? However you spend tonight, I hope you enjoy it!

The Little Things

So this is the last The Little Things of 2015! I've enjoyed writing this feature for the past few months because it's made me take more pictures (which I really enjoy going back through when I'm stuck in the car or waiting for an appointment). I started this back in the fall because I was going through a rough patch and needed to remind myself of the little things that make me happy. It definitely worked and I'm considering keeping it going in 2015! What do you guys think: should I continue the Little Things into the new year?

Mum made me my favorite British food:
a baked potato with chili 
Baking with the baby sis 
Wrapped all my presents! 
Christmas Eve with my sister and goddaughter 
Presents from Santa! 
Mom and Dad bought me a 3 DVD set
that includes Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina,
and Roman Holiday!
New glasses! #obsessed

The Little Things: Christmas Edition!

Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve! Sorry this post is so late, but I've been very busy with Christmas-y things. I wanted to share some of my favorite holiday decorations with you today...everyone gets all excited about the tree and the garland and the wreaths, but I love the little decorations that mean Christmas to me. 

I love doing crackers New Years Eve and these nutcracker
ones are just too cute!  
I bought this advent calendar at Kensington Palace in London.
It shows three different palaces and it's absolutely adorable.
My sister is obsessed with our Elf on the Shelf. She's been
Instagramming a photo of its location every day with the hashtag
#findlucastheelf (so basically, I taught her well)
These festive owl window/mirror clings can make even
your bathroom more holiday-ish!
I love our mini trees in the upstairs hallway.
Holiday plates make every meal more fun!
What are some of your favorite holiday Little Things?

Friday Internet Finds

Sorry I've been MIA! I was in Florida for several days with my friends and am just now settling into a normal-ish routine. The best news is that the magical Apple people fixed my computer and my once-broken p key now works again. #hallelujah

Why not amuse ourselves with some fun internet things now that exams are FINALLY over?

1. Ever wanted to just pack up and move to a foreign city? This quiz will let you know which city you should pick. (I got Paris! My French would be useful, I guess...)

2. Make sure you check out this list of what's leaving Netflix on January 1...I need to watch "The Gladiator" and "Love Actually" before they go!

3. If I could have anyone's hair, I would probably pick Taylor Swift's. (Zoe Sugg's is a close second). So I'm definitely going to try out this tutorial on how to get 1989-era Taylor Swift waves.

4. I always become reflective towards the end of the year, as I look back on every thing that's happened and look forward to the new year (expect a blog post about it!). I'm definitely going to use this list of 50 questions to help you reflect. Anyone else have big plans for 2015 or large milestones that they accomplished in 2014?

5. No matter how many times I watch part of last year's London Les Miserables cast sing "Baby, It's Cold Outside" (featuring Carrie Hope Fletcher!), I always smile.

Moving Out and Moving On

Today I took an exam, did a group presentation, and moved out of my dorm. Moving out was a strange experience for me, because when I moved out last year, I knew that I would be returning to the same room after three months. This time, I'm leaving behind all of my friends to continue their lives at university without me and I know I may never return to the building that I lived in for a year and a half.

Moving out was difficult for me (is there anyone who doesn't hate saying goodbye?), but I know that I have to think about moving on. When I return to Elon, I'll be an upperclassman, living in an apartment. And until then, I have Scotland to look forward to. It may be the ending of one era, but it's the beginning of a new adventure.

Saying goodbye to all of my friends
was difficult
My room mid-packing 

And one more thing: there won't be any Friday Internet Finds this week because I'll be in Florida with my friends celebrating surviving the semester. It'll resume as normal next week!

The Little Things

This was the first part of exam week(s), so the Little Things are even more important than normal because I'm stressed out of my mind. I was lucky enough to get to go home on Saturday to see my sister dance in a local Christmas parade, which was a much needed break. How are you surviving finals?

My school has a Luminaries celebration every year
We even got a photo with Santa! 
A much needed study break of macaroons and
Sprinkle of Glitter videos 
At my school's president's house for a
Christmas party 
My superlative from the newspaper staff
was fairly perfect #guiltyascharged 
One final round of Bonnie & Clyde paper editing,
complete with tea and macaroons 
My mum and me in the rain at my
sister's Christmas parade

Friday Internet Finds

It's halfway through finals week and I can feel my exams sucking out my soul like Dementors already...just kidding. In all seriousness, I'm completely overwhelmed with work, which makes taking a break to blog even more lovely. 

1) I'm fairly impressed that I got a perfect score on this "Which Disney Prince Said It?" quiz. How did you do? 

2) I'm so proud of Zoe Sugg for how well her book is doing! It's become the fastest selling book of 2014. 

3) This article on Taylor Swift's marketing strategy is so on point. #preach 

4) Need ideas for what to wear during finals week? College Fashion can help you out. (I'm going to be in leggings ALL week...) 

5) This Christmas quiz video with Zoe Sugg and Tanya Burr totally put me into the holiday spirit! 

How to De-stress for Exams

It's Finals Week at Elon University and everyone is starting to stress (or stressing about not being stressed yet, which is where I'm currently at). I'm sure some of you have exams coming up as well so I wanted to offer some tips for how to de-stress! 

ONE: Give yourself little treats (like macaroons and Youtube videos!) when you've accomplished something. It makes studying much easier. 

TWO: Studying somewhere you love, whether that's your room or the library, definitely makes it easier. For me, that's Argo, my favorite tea shop on campus. 

THREE: Something that helps me is taking a relaxing shower when I'm getting too stressed to accomplish anything. There's no point in studying if your mind isn't in the right place, so take a warm shower to recenter yourself! 

FOUR: Late at night when I think I can't possibly study anymore for the night, my friends and I will drive to Cookout to get milkshakes. It's nice to take a little while to spend time with your friends when you're typically locked away studying on your own. 

FIVE: I'm sure that many of you are very familiar with making lists of what you have to do, but even those of you who aren't typically the list type should consider it! I like to make a list of everything that I have to accomplish (separated by class) and every event that I have to attend (exams, holiday parties, etc.). That way, I get to see how much I've accomplished by what's marked off and know exactly how much I have left to do. 

SIX: Sometimes just making yourself a cup of hot tea, hot chocolate, or coffee can be a great stress reliever. Doing small physical tasks is wonderful when you've been cramming facts into your brain for too long and then you get a soothing warm drink. 

SEVEN: I happen to be one of those people who can't study in silence, so I love to have chill background music to study too. Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith (whose album is on sale on iTunes!) are two of my favorite artists to listen to, but 8tracks has a bunch of great studying playlists as well, like this one. I also love to end my long night of studying by listening to one of my favorite songs before I go to sleep. I always pick something encouraging like "Defying Gravity" from the Wicked musical or Taylor Swift's new song, "Welcome to New York" (because it reminds me of why doing well in school matters...so I can get a job in NYC after graduation!).

I hope these tips help you out and that you have a great (and mentally stable) exam time! 

The Little Things

How was your Thanksgiving? I had a fantastic week at home and can't believe that I only have 9 days left at school! 

Important reading
These cat shoes immediately made me think
of Taylor Swift 
Yummy lunch at the Greek restaurant
in the mall food court 
Lush finally got their Christmas
bath bombs in!
My first Chick-Fil-A
peppermint milkshake of the season! 
I got Zoe Sugg's book in the
mail! It's sooo good thus far.
The whole family freaked out when we saw
Norm Lewis on the Macy's Parade coverage! 
Yummy Thanksgiving dinner 
We had a little butter turkey!
Rocking the flannel-around-the-waist-90s-
kid-look while bowling
All the group back together! (Minus Alex) 
Tree decorating with hors d'oeuvres is my favorite
Thanksgiving tradition

Friday Internet Finds

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope all of you had a great day eating lots of yummy food with your loved ones.

1) I'm totally obsessed with Zoe Sugg's book, Girl Online, and I'm only halfway through. Haven't bought it yet? You can find it here.

2) Very proud to say I only missed two on this "How Well Do You Know 'You've Got Mail'?" quiz. It's one of my favorite movies! How well did you do?

3) I rarely shop on Black Friday, but I couldn't resist ordering this coat online from Fossil. I've been looking for another coat and maroon is one of my favorite colors. Plus, it's $50 off and there's no shipping cost! I couldn't resist.

4) This Buzzfeed article on the "27 Reasons Studying Abroad in England Ruins You For Life" couldn't be more true. Which probably explains why I'm headed back to the UK for Round 2 in the spring...

5) The Wonder Forest has some great ideas for holiday gifts for your blogger friends...or any friends who love fashion!

Have you started your holiday shopping yet? Would you be interested in seeing a post about my suggestions for great presents? Let me know in the comments!

Pre-Thanksgiving Mall Haul

It's so good to be home! Today my mom, my sister, and I spent the day at my favorite mall. We had a super fun day together; Hannah even built an Olaf at Build A Bear! I wanted to do a mini haul of some of the things I picked up today. There were some amazing sales already going on. To anyone actually going out shopping tomorrow or Friday, good luck and be safe! Happy Thanksgiving! 

Hue tights 
Hue polka dot leggings, Hue leggings with leather panels 
American Eagle Jegging Sweater
Lush Christmas Hedgehog Bath Bomb and
Northern Lights Bath Bomb

The Little Things

I only have two days of school this week and then I get to go home for Thanksgiving! This was my last full week of school...so strange to think that I won't have another full week of school at Elon until next fall! What are your Thanksgiving plans? 

The perfect lunch: tea, a panini, a macaroon, and Youtube
videos on WWI poetry 

It's cold enough to wear my new maroon beanie
and I couldn't be happier 
A late night grocery store run always has good results, right? 
I can't wait for Vidcon this summer! 
My mom and sister came to see me Friday afternoon;
I'm so excited to see them again soon! 
Laser tag with my hallmates turned into a photo shoot
with my favorite freshmen 
My hall had Thanksgiving dinner last night and I ate so much
it kind of hurt #cantstopwontstopeating
Watched the AMAs with my hallmates;
I was so proud of Taylor! 

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