A little late on the December goals this month, but hoping I'll still manage to complete all of them...
Goal Update - November Goals
1) Apply to internships. I actually did send in several internship applications and am currently negotiating final details with an organization so hopefully you'll be seeing an announcement from me soon...
2) Catch up on show reviews on my blog and YouTube channel. I've been much better about actually writing reviews and just making content in general in November, thankfully!
3) Learn more about Charles Dickens. I've been learning more about dear old Dickens, although I think this may be a goal for the whole year that I'm here because there is so much to learn. Anyone have a recommendation for books of his to start with?
4) Keep my succulents alive. I can't believe it but they've actually survived a full month! I might lose them while I'm home for Christmas break, but at least they made it this far.
December Goals
1) Finish my Christmas shopping. I would love to have it finished before I leave London. I only have a few bits and bobs left so this one is actually doable.
2) Have my essays at least outlined by the time I go home. This might be too ambitious of a goal, but I would love to be done at least with the researching and outlining of my essays before I go home. They're due in the first week of January, which will be a bit of a buzzkill on the Christmas mood if I'm having to work on them loads while I'm home.
3) Finish two more books. This was the one goal I set at the beginning of the month because I knew I wanted to hit my 20 books goal for the year. I actually have already done this as this weekend, I finished a Queen Victoria biography and Carrie Hope Fletcher's latest novel.
4) Go to an exercise class. This was one of my goals for 2017 that I've somehow not yet done. Whether I do it here in London or at my gym back home, I think it's something very achievable by the new year.