Hi there friends,
Yesterday was the last day of classes of my third year of university. Once exams are finished next Monday, I'll officially be a senior. How crazy is that? I thought that I ought to give you all a bit of an update so you know what to expect on this blog over the summer.
At the end of May, I will be heading up to New York City to participate in Elon University's program there for two months. I will be interning at a PR firm in Manhattan called Krupp Kommunications and I cannot wait to get started. I'm so looking forward to learning more about public relations and getting some hands-on experience with real clients.
While there, I will also be taking a class through my university that's basically about the city of New York and completing an ethnographic research project on Lafayette Street. I'm so lucky to have this opportunity through my university...and to be going (and living with!) two of my close friends.
While there, I'm also going to have the opportunity to work on my thesis project by going to different archives throughout the city. I'm lucky that I have Tuesdays free to explore the city...and work on my thesis which is due next year??
I will be continuing weekly posts for this blog, hopefully with lots of reviews of Broadway shows for you (I know that I'm definitely seeing She Loves Me, Aladdin, and Hamilton this summer!). I will also be attempting to keep up my Sunday YouTube uploads, though probably with more vlogs than normal. AND I'll be writing and filming content for my new blog that I co-author with my friend Jenna called Making More than Sandwiches. It's a feminist blog that's looking for submissions of creative writing, blog articles, memoirs, and art from anyone. Check it out!
What are you all up to this summer? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter at @nicoleackman16!
Nicole xx