1. Ever wondered "Which Disney Supporting Man is Your Perfect Match?" Well, wonder no more. I'm just excited that The Huntsman is my one true love...we're going with Once Upon a Time casting, right? #jamiedornanwhereareyou
2. I recently discovered the blog, Freddy My Love, even though I've been watching her YouTube channel for months and I absolutely adore it. Freddy's posts are very enjoyable to read and her photos are always gorgeous.
3. The new Amelie musical starring Samantha Barks looks absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to see more photos!
4. I love this Thought Catalog article called "23 Small Promises You Should Make to Yourself." I'm definitely going to try to keep these promises to myself!
5. It's no secret that I love Maxwell Glick's videos and I like him even more after meeting him at Vidcon this summer. He recently released a song (go buy it on iTunes!) and music video that he wrote about Disney. At his meet-up at Vidcon, I got to hear the song before it premiered...and I'm so proud of how magical the music video is!