Review: Cool Rider Live Album

In honor of the new Cool Rider Live album finally being available on American iTunes, I figured I should finally review it. I actually won a giveaway of the digital album, so I've had it for months and I listen to it nearly every day. High praise indeed from someone who doesn't even like Grease.

In case you don't know, Cool Rider is the sequel to Grease. This new West End recording of the music was actually funded by a KickStarter, which I definitely would have backed if I'd known about it. While I'm not a huge fan of the storyline (cheesy musicals have never been my forte), this album quickly became one of my most played. It has lots of feel-good, pump-you-up songs that are exactly what I need on a Monday morning.

Ashleigh Gray has killer vocals on the title song, but my favorites include light-hearted and upbeat songs like "Who's That Guy," "Girl for All Seasons," and "Score Tonight." (I never would have thought that a song about bowling would have me dancing around my room.)

Admittedly, I discovered the project because Niall Sheehy sang the vocals for the "leader of the back" Johnny. Though I'd seen Niall as Feuilly in Les Miserables and Chris in Miss Saigon, I had no idea he had the style and charisma to pull off "Prowlin.'" The song is unapologetically ridiculous...and somehow utterly addicting.

I would absolutely recommend buying this album. While the talent of the cast may surpass the material they're singing in my opinion, it's the perfect album to listen to while getting ready in the morning or in the car.

You can buy the Cool Rider album on iTunes or in their store. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
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