Friday Internet Finds

Happy Friday, everyone! I have mixed feelings about this weekend. It's fall break, so I get to go home which is very exciting. But I'm sending my computer away to Apple for them to fix it today and I'm not looking forward to being without my laptop the whole weekend!

1. When I saw this "How Glamorous Are You?" quiz, I was a bit nervous. But no worries, friends, I'm a "exceedingly glamorous."

2. I would definitely describe myself as "painfully unatheletic" I very much appreciated this Seventeen article. #thestruggleissoreal

3. I finally had time to catch up on Poppy Deyes's blog and I am so in love with this post about her favorite autumn pieces. I need someone to teach me to wear dungarees/overalls and still look cool.

4. I typically limit myself to one video a week...but I couldn't resist sharing this compilation of 30 years' worth of "One Day More" in honor of Les Miserables's 30th birthday being yesterday!

5. I'm not going to lie: I cried watching this video about Lin Manuel Miranda, composer and star of Hamilton, winning a MacArthur Fellow.

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