I'll be honest...I only truly fulfilled one of those. While I did create content (both for this blog and my YouTube channel) regularly, I never really had the opportunity to bring #2 to fruition and I didn't always keep self-care in mind.
- To love myself and take care of myself — eat healthy, exercise, keep up a skincare routine, read more, use a positive inner voice.
- To not let my fear of being hurt and the pain of my past experiences keep me from opening my heart and taking a chance.
- To create content — writing, blogging, videos.
Some people don't believe in New Years Resolutions because they don't typically last the whole year. But does that really matter? In my mind, resolutions are wonderful even if they only last for a few weeks or months. Any progress towards a goal is progress, right?
So my resolutions for this year are:
- Continue regular posting on my YouTube channel, this blog, and my Instagram account.
- Take better care of myself! This includes: drinking more water, exercising, eating more healthy foods, meditating/doing yoga/coloring daily, and pampering myself with skincare weekly.
- Using my new bullet journal to help me feel more organized and in control of things.
What are your resolutions? Make sure to share them with me on social media or in the comments below. Oh, and Happy New Years Eve! x