I only have two days of school this week and then I get to go home for Thanksgiving! This was my last full week of school...so strange to think that I won't have another full week of school at Elon until next fall! What are your Thanksgiving plans?
The perfect lunch: tea, a panini, a macaroon, and Youtube videos on WWI poetry |
It's cold enough to wear my new maroon beanie and I couldn't be happier |
A late night grocery store run always has good results, right? |
I can't wait for Vidcon this summer! |
My mom and sister came to see me Friday afternoon; I'm so excited to see them again soon! |
Laser tag with my hallmates turned into a photo shoot with my favorite freshmen |
My hall had Thanksgiving dinner last night and I ate so much it kind of hurt #cantstopwontstopeating |
Watched the AMAs with my hallmates; I was so proud of Taylor! |