Happy Almost Valentine's Day! Or Single Appreciation Day or Galentine's Day, or whatever you prefer to call it. Honestly, Valentine's Day is one of my least favorite holidays, but I'm going to treat myself to a new book to make me feel better. Do you have fun Valentine's Day plans?
1. First of all, a shameless promotion of my university's student-run magazine, The Edge. It's being completely reborn this semester and I can't wait to get back and help out in the fall. This month's edition has several awesome Valentine's Day themed articles...go check it out!
2. Want to know "Which Game of Thrones Hunk Should Be Your Valentine?" Don't lie; of course you do.
3. This College Fashion tutorial on how to create Valentine's Day themed paint chip art is actually really adorable.
4. Check out this article from College Prepster's blog, guest-written by Maxie McCoy, on how to be the best Valentine (to your friends or yourself).
5. Most realistically: it's time to figure out "Which TV Show You Should Binge Watch Alone on Valentine's Day?"
However you're spending your day tomorrow, I hope you have a great one!