1. Ever wanted to know "Is Colin Firth or Hugh Grant Your Soulmate?" Well, know you can thanks to Buzzfeed. #teamcolinfirth
2. Similarly, if you've been wondering "Is Ryan Goslin or Ryan Reynolds Your Soulmate?" you can figure that out together. I was quite relieved to find out that my middle school dreams of Ryan Gosling are meant to come true.
3. YouTubers Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman recently spent a few days in NYC and Tanya put together a list of her restaurant recommendations in Soho. I'm definitely bookmarking this for the next time I'm in New York...and anytime I want to look at gorgeous photos of food!
4. Like most of the world, I'm a huge fan of the band HAIM's style and this article from College Fashion on how to recreate it is perfect.
5. Jim Chapman (fiance of the above-mentioned foodie Tanya Burr) recently tried something new on his YouTube channel: a video of his outfits from every day that week. And let me just say that I know how unrealistic style expectations for every guy I'll ever meet.