Friday Internet Finds

Who else is excited for the weekend? I'm taking this weekend completely off of work as all my coursework is now finished. I'm hoping to catch up on making YouTube videos and watching TV shows...big plans, obviously! What plans do you have for the weekend? If they include cozying up in bed with your computer, here are some ideas of what to look at.

1. Ever wanted to know "Is Colin Firth or Hugh Grant Your Soulmate?" Well, know you can thanks to Buzzfeed. #teamcolinfirth

2. Similarly, if you've been wondering "Is Ryan Goslin or Ryan Reynolds Your Soulmate?" you can figure that out together. I was quite relieved to find out that my middle school dreams of Ryan Gosling are meant to come true.

3. YouTubers Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman recently spent a few days in NYC and Tanya put together a list of her restaurant recommendations in Soho. I'm definitely bookmarking this for the next time I'm in New York...and anytime I want to look at gorgeous photos of food!

4. Like most of the world, I'm a huge fan of the band HAIM's style and this article from College Fashion on how to recreate it is perfect.

5. Jim Chapman (fiance of the above-mentioned foodie Tanya Burr) recently tried something new on his YouTube channel: a video of his outfits from every day that week. And let me just say that I know how unrealistic style expectations for every guy I'll ever meet.

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