Friday Internet Finds

It seems like I was just writing last week's Friday Internet Finds! This week has absolutely flown by. I'm actually headed up to Chicago for the weekend to celebrate my grandfather's birthday. What fun weekend plans do you have?

1. Miss Saigon's London Live Cast Recording came out this week in the UK and is coming out in the US next week. They put up previews of every song on their website and it sounds so incredible.

2. I'm now officially a published writer! My Reign Season 2 preview went live on today.

3. This Buzzfeed quiz called "Which Female Movie Stereotype Are You?" made me laugh. I got "Manic Pixie Dream Girl." #basicallyzoedeschanel

4. I'm already a bit obsessed with Bonnie and Clyde (I'm currently writing my semester-long paper about them), but finding out that there's an upcoming movie about them starring Emilia Clarke and Nicholas Hoult? #evenmoreobsessed

5. Another thing that made me laugh? This Thought Catalog "18 Things I Legitimately Cried About Thanks to PMS" article.
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