Hello everyone! I'm officially back to St Andrews after an incredible week in Edinburgh and London. It was so hard telling my family and my favorite city goodbye, but I'm hoping to use this coming week productively...which means, lots of new content for you!
If you want to read more about what I did while on holiday, here are the links to specific posts on my travel blog:
Day One: Showing my family around St Andrews
Day Two: Seeing the former royal yacht Brittania in Edinburgh
Day Three: The Palace of Holyroodhouse and Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh (good for Mary Queen of Scots fans!)
Day Four: Traveling to London and Les Miserables Stage Door
Day Five: Hanging out in Hamley's (this is also the day that we went to Primark; I just uploaded my haul video!)
Day Six: The Harry Potter Studios and Harrod's
Day Seven: Hampton Court Palace and Miss Saigon Stage Door (a must read for Henry VIII lovers!)
Day Eight: Our day in Brighton!
Day Nine: Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, and saying goodbye